Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I have been unfaithful.

Apologies to Winter, Spring and Summer.  You just can't compete with the comforts of Fall.

Call me a fickle female if you like, because it is true.  Four times a year I change my mind on which season I like best.  It turns out that the current season is always my favorite season.  This time of year is no exception.  I mean, who can say no to hillsides painted in color, crisp mornings, crunchy leaves, wool hats, mittens, scarfs, sweaters, blustery afternoons, bonfires, plus all the comfort foods associated with the season!

The comfort foods are essential.  Summer is much too hot to cook, let alone bake.  There's nothing like warming your house on a chilly fall evening with the aroma of fresh bread, grandma's molasses cookies, a pot of soup, or a kettle of homemade spiced cider.  This weekend lent itself to many of those comforts and more.

Apples were a major theme in my kitchen over the weekend with Sunday being the annual Apple Festival at the Dawn Gardens.   Below is an apple blueberry pie I baked for the pie contest.  It wasn't a blue ribbon winner, but it did get the highest score for the prettiest pie.

The Dawn Gardens had bushels of apples waiting to be picked and pressed into juice.  Despite the incessant rain, people still showed up with their empty baskets and bottles in hand, ready for the festivities.

Out of all the events this little community hosts, the apple festival is definitely high up on my favorites list.  It is all about embracing those simple pleasures of the season.

Remember, an apple pie without cheese is like a hug without the squeeze!

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